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Social Media and Personal Injury

Put the phone down!

Right now you are holding your phone.  You have one finger behind, two fingers on the side, pinky on the bottom, and thumb scrolling?  Are we correct?

Unfortunately, it is not a magic trick.  It is simply a statement of how glued to our devices, and by extension, social media, that we have become as a society. 

It is becoming a more often occurrence that a client comes into our office after suffering injuries caused by a motor vehicle collision and we hear dreaded news.  We meet with the client during the consultation and ask, “what has happened since the day ofthe collision?”  The client gives a rundown of events and then states that they posted pictures from the scene of collision, of their vehicle, gave a description of the collision and events that transpired, and or, even worse, post something of this nature and then delete it.

It cannot be reiterated enough, do not post anything on social media following an injury! Anything posted can and will be twisted against you! Do not post statements about how you were injured.  Do not post pictures of your injuries or of the collision.  Just put the phone down!

Insurance companies constantly look for ways not to cover a collision.  Any of these postings can provide that ability.  A statement made by you can be twisted that you were to blame.  A photograph of you going out with friends can suggest you are not as injured as you proclaim.

The best approach is to simply stay off social media following an injury.  Do not provide any conceivable way for your actions, words, or pictures to be used against your claim. Contact a reputable attorney (we suggest Farley and Hopper!) and run things by them. 

Remember, even more important, do not delete anything if it has already been posted.  This can lead to claims of evidence being destroyed or hidden. 

Stay safe out there. And, if you do suffer from an injury, give Farley and Hopper a call. What we do, we do for you!u!  








This blog does not constitute nor create an attorney client relationship. This blog is published for informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice on any subject matter.  Each and every possible legal claim requires an individual review to determine the merits of a potential case.  This blog should not be used for a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional attorney, and readers are urgedto consult with an attorney for specific legal questions concerning a specificsituation.